2.75mm Crochet Hook
Red Heart Super Saver Yarn in Brown, Black and White
8mm Safety Eyes
Polyester Stuffing
Sc-Single Crochet
Fo- Fasten Off
Finished Size
13 inches
Rd1: Starting in the middle of the nose with brown yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rd2: Inc x 6 (12)
Rd3: Inc x 12 (24)
Rd4: Sc x 24 (24)
Rd5: [Sc x 3, inc] x 6 (30)
Rd6-8: Sc x 30 (30)
Rd9: Inc x 6, sc x 24 (36)
Rd10: Sc x 2, place a stitch marker in the last stitch you just did, sc x 10, place a stitch marker in the last stitch you just did, sc x 24 (36)
Rd11: Sc x 2, inc x 3, sc x 2, inc x 3, sc x 26 (42)
Rd12-19: Sc x 42 (42)
Rd20: Insert your safety eyes between Rd10 and Rd11 where you placed the stitch markers, sc x 42 (42)
Rd21: Stuff your head as you are working from this point on, dec x 21 (21)
Rd22: Sc, dec x 10 (11)
Rd23: Sc, dec x 5 (6)
Rd24: Dec x 3, fo (3)
Rd1: Starting at the front of your body with brown yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rd2: Inc x 6 (12)
Rd3: Inc x 12 (24)
Rd4: Sc x 24 (24)
Rd5: Inc x 6, sc x 18 (30)
Rd6: Inc x 8, sc x 22 (38)
Rd7-16: Sc x 38 (38)
Rd17: Sc x 6, dec x 4, sc x 24 (34)
Rd18-23: Sc x 34 (34)
Rd24: Sc x 9, dec, sc x 23 (33)
Rd25-32: Sc x 33 (33)
Rd33: Sc, dec x 16 (17)
Rd34: Sc, dec x 8 (9)
Rd35: Stuff your work firmly, dec x 4, sc (5)
Rd36: Sc, dec x 2, fo (3)
Ear (Make 2)
Rd1: Starting at the tip of your ear with brown yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rd2-4: Sc x 6 (6)
Rd5: [Sc, inc] x 3 (9)
Rd6: Sc x 9 (9)
Rd7: [Sc, inc] x 4, sc (13)
Rd8-13: Sc x 13, fo at the end of Rd13 (13)
Leg (Make 4)
Rd1: Starting at the top of the leg with brown yarn ch x 10, join (10)
Rd2-13: Sc x 10 (10)
Rd14: Inc x 10 (20)
Rd15: Sc x 20 (20)
Rd16: Dec x 10 (10)
Rd17: [Sc x 3, dec] x 2 (8)
Rd18-25: Sc x 8 (8)
Rd26: [Sc x 3, inc] x 2 (10)
Rd27-29: Sc x 10 (10)
Rd30: [Sc x 2, inc] x 3, sc (13)
Rd31-32: Sc x 13 (13)
Rd33: Change to black and sc x 13 (13)
Rd34: Sc x 13, fo (13)
Bottom Of Leg (Make 4)
Rd1: With black yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rd2: Inc x 6, fo (12)
Hoove (Make 8)
Rd1: With black yarn sc x 5 in an adjustable ring (5)
Rd2-4: Sc x 5, fo at the end of Rd4 (5)
Large Antler (Make 2)
Rd1: Starting at the bottom of the antler with white yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rd2: [Sc, inc] x 3 (9)
Rd3-8: Sc x 9 (9)
Rd9: Dec x 3, inc x 3 (9)
Rd10: Dec x 2, sc x 5 (7)
Rd11: Sc x 7 (7)
Rd12: Dec, sc x 4, inc (7)
Rd13: Dec, inc x 3, dec (8)
Rd14: Dec, sc, inc x 3, sc x 2 (10)
Rd15: Sc x 10, stuff firmly (10)
Rd16: Dec x 5 (5)
Rd17: Dec x 2, sc, fo (3)
Small Antler (Make 4)
Rd1: Starting at the tip of the antler with white yarn sc x 5 in an adjustable ring (5)
Rd2-5: Sc x 5, fo at the end of Rd5 (5)
Rd1: Starting at the tip of the tail with brown yarn sc x 6 in an adjustable ring (6)
Rd2-4: Sc x 6 (6)
Rd5: [Sc, inc] x 3 (9)
Rd6: Sc x 9 (9)
Rd7: [Sc x 2, inc] x 3 (12)
Rd8-10: Sc x 12 (12)
Rd11: [Sc x 2, dec] x 3 , fo (9)
Sew your moose head onto the front of your body. Sew the small antlers onto the large antlers, then sew the antlers onto the head. Then sew the ears on, below the antlers. Sew the bottom of your legs onto your legs. Take two hooves and sew them on beside each other on the front of your leg, repeat for the other three legs. Stuff the legs and sew them onto your moose. Sew the tail on. Weave on all ends and trim them.
Feel free to sell finished items that you make using my patterns. But please do not distribute my patterns without my permission. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at amidorablecrochet@gmail.com